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Welcome to stepDP

For a quick start look at the First Steps. If you want to go deeper into stepDP to understand the concept behind it, check out the Documentation. If you want to develop your own components for stepDP, then have a look at Development.

What is stepDP?

stepDP is a multimodal dialogue platform for research that is an evolvement of previous dialogue platforms (SiAM-dp) with an adoption of modern software development concepts. Its main purpose is to simplify and structure the creation of interactive dialogue between human users and a machine. On the technical side, it represents a framework that helps you to author, implement, execute, monitor, and debug a dialogue system involving AI agents.

stepDP attempts to combine ease of use with advanced scientific dialogue management concepts. In general, it is straightforward to implement a “simple” dialogue that reacts upon particular input, such as natural language. However, the more complex your dialogue system becomes and you desire to generalize your ideas, you will benefit from concepts such as the integrated knowledge base, dialogue rule matching, and rule-based fusion.

The framework of stepDP enables a variety of architectures for implementing a dialogue system, e.g. rule-based, state-based or using custom implementations. Deciding which is most suitable for your scenario is part of the dialogue design task.

Current Stable Versions
  • stepDP Core: 1.1
  • Cerence Component: 1.0
  • stepDP AudioManager (stepAM): 0.1.0 (Downloads)
Current Development Versions
  • stepDP Core: 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Cerence Component: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
  • stepDP AudioManager (stepAM): 0.2.0-devel (Downloads)

Github Repository:

Maven Repository for pom.xml

Notice: the stepDP Maven Repository is only accessible within the DFKI network

        <name>stepDP SB Server</name>

Link to the MS Teams Channel (DFKI intern) BMBF Logo

The work on stepDP has been funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in projects MADMACS (grant number 01IW14003), TRACTAT (grant number 01IW17004), and CAMELOT (grant number 01IW20008).